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ve Švýcarsku

Denisa Sciortino
27. 6. 2020Minut čtení: 2
Mrs. Can-Do-It-All
The quarantine has forced us all to master various new skills. For me, my newest job was to be the family barber. The day before...

Denisa Sciortino
21. 5. 2020Minut čtení: 4
How to Be Polite in Czech: 6 Tips from a Czech Tutor
As a teacher of Czech for Foreigners, I often receive bookings from people before their travel to Prague. While you certainly don’t need...

Denisa Sciortino
30. 11. 2019Minut čtení: 6
Guide for Foreigners in the Czech Republic #4: 12 Things You Might Not Know About Czech Christmas
Have you ever seen a carp swimming in a big tub on a street corner, been offered at least 15 different wonderfully decorated cookies from...

Denisa Sciortino
22. 6. 2019Minut čtení: 5
Survival Guide for Foreigners in the Czech Republic #3: Restaurants
Visiting a restaurant in the Czech Republic is not the same as visiting one in the US. If you’re not aware of the cultural differences,...

Denisa Sciortino
3. 6. 2019Minut čtení: 4
Toddler Wars
“Mommyyyyyyyyyyy!!!” Filipe wakes me up at 6. I drop one of my legs to the floor. The rest of my body follows. It takes me five minutes...

Denisa Sciortino
20. 4. 2019Minut čtení: 4
Survival Guide for Foreigners in the Czech Republic #2 Crazy Czech Easter Traditions
It’s that time of the year again for Czech women to spend hours upon hours in the kitchen and for Czech men to prepare their whips…...

Denisa Sciortino
3. 2. 2019Minut čtení: 4
Survival Guide for Foreigners in the Czech Republic # 1: Visiting a Czech family
Teaching Czech for Foreigners and meeting people from different cultures has inspired me to start writing this survival guide. If you...
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