Denisa Sciortino
27. 6. 2020Minut čtení: 2
Mrs. Can-Do-It-All
The quarantine has forced us all to master various new skills. For me, my newest job was to be the family barber. The day before...
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Denisa Sciortino
21. 5. 2020Minut čtení: 4
How to Be Polite in Czech: 6 Tips from a Czech Tutor
As a teacher of Czech for Foreigners, I often receive bookings from people before their travel to Prague. While you certainly don’t need...
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Denisa Sciortino
30. 11. 2019Minut čtení: 6
Guide for Foreigners in the Czech Republic #4: 12 Things You Might Not Know About Czech Christmas
Have you ever seen a carp swimming in a big tub on a street corner, been offered at least 15 different wonderfully decorated cookies from...
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Denisa Sciortino
22. 6. 2019Minut čtení: 5
Survival Guide for Foreigners in the Czech Republic #3: Restaurants
Visiting a restaurant in the Czech Republic is not the same as visiting one in the US. If you’re not aware of the cultural differences,...
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Denisa Sciortino
3. 6. 2019Minut čtení: 4
Toddler Wars
“Mommyyyyyyyyyyy!!!” Filipe wakes me up at 6. I drop one of my legs to the floor. The rest of my body follows. It takes me five minutes...
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Denisa Sciortino
20. 4. 2019Minut čtení: 4
Survival Guide for Foreigners in the Czech Republic #2 Crazy Czech Easter Traditions
It’s that time of the year again for Czech women to spend hours upon hours in the kitchen and for Czech men to prepare their whips…...
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Denisa Sciortino
3. 2. 2019Minut čtení: 4
Survival Guide for Foreigners in the Czech Republic # 1: Visiting a Czech family
Teaching Czech for Foreigners and meeting people from different cultures has inspired me to start writing this survival guide. If you...
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